Supplier Quality Assurance

CMCA(UK) works in partnership with all of our suppliers, ensuring joint objectives are consistently achieved.

Anti-Slavery Policy

CMCA(UK) has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings.

Carbon Reduction Plan

This Carbon Reduction Plan outlines CMCA(UK)’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change impacts. By setting clear goals, implementing effective strategies, and continuously monitoring progress, we aim to significantly reduce our carbon footprint over the next decade to work towards our commitment to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Certificate of Conformity

Product conformity and assurance can be a critical aspect to many areas of our business and in many cases we have contractual obligations to end-users to provide associated certification. We appreciate however that this may not be a standard document for some of our suppliers. To support this, we have identified a certificate of Conformity template which can be used by suppliers to assist in providing such requirements.

Clause Requirements

Each CMCA(UK) Purchase Order will identify certain requirements specifically within the content of the order. However where applicable then clause requirements may also be referenced which can then be accessed via the details provided in the PO. Please click on the link below for specific details.

Modern Slavery Statement

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour (including child labour) and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

REACH Statement

We prioritise safety and environmental responsibility. Our REACH Policy ensures compliance with regulations on chemicals to protect human health and the environment. 

Supplier Quality Assurance Manual

To provide guidance for our suppliers, CMCA(UK) has defined a Supplier Quality Assurance Manual to detail the systems, procedures and controls which will be required where certain contractual definition apply.

Supplier Questionnaire

Depending upon the nature of contracts and product supply, there may be occasions where we need to confirm a suppliers status, regarding their Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety or other related Management Systems. To confirm status regarding these aspects, we have defined a standard Supplier Questionnaire which can be completed and submitted for review.

For more information contact our Business Development team, or call +44 (0)1905 458307